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Stories for change – call for proposals and ideas

African woman

Are you a writer, photographer or documentary filmmaker in Southern Africa? Then we want to hear from you!

  • Avert is seeking creative proposals from individuals based in Southern Africa for small grants of up to 1,000 USD to develop video/audio/written ‘stories of change’ around HIV stigma and other barriers in the HIV response. 
  • 2-page proposals for your creative project should be submitted by Friday 8th February 2019. 
  • For details, see below. 

Challenging stigma through creative content

We use our digital platforms to challenge and educate on HIV stigma, homophobia and gender inequality, and the barriers they pose to the HIV response. 

Through our new ‘Stories for change’ small grants project, we want to support journalists, photographers and film-makers to develop more content about people’s lived experiences of stigma and HIV barriers – which we can share with more people through our online channels. We know that our audiences connect with first person experiences and that they help them reflect on their own experiences as well as make informed decisions. 

In particular, this round of small grants will support the development of: 

  • stories that talk about how stigma, discrimination, and homophobia are still preventing people from accessing HIV information and services, and how people attempt to overcome this. 
  • stories of people who have changed their attitudes and behaviour, and have become more accepting of people living with HIV and / or people from LGBT communities.

How do you get involved?

Initially, we’d like to receive your proposal, with ideas for the content/stories you’d like to develop with a small grant of up to 1,000 USD. (We’re not asking for finished content submissions at this stage.)

Your ideas could be about self-stigma, perceived or real stigma in the community. Or they could be about family members, friends or healthcare workers who have changed their attitudes and / or behaviour towards people living with HIV / or people from LGBT communities. 

What content formats are we looking for?

We’re flexible! Your content could be first person testimonies, interviews, or discussions between two or more people. It could be written, audio, video, a photo story or something else creative. What’s most important is that it’s engaging and genuine. 

You might have an idea for one or more pieces of content. 

We’ll consider all the proposals we receive. We will provide more detailed guidelines to successful applicants so that you can build upon your proposal, before creating and submitting your developed final content piece.

(We don’t expect your final submissions to be perfect.  All content developed as part of the small grants project will be reviewed by our content editors and video/audio editors.)

Next steps

  • Send us a short proposal (maximum two pages) outlining ideas for the content/stories you plan to produce, the format you will use (written, video, etc.) and the process you will follow (e.g. recruiting people, getting consent, etc.).  
  • Consider what’s possible within the budget. It may be useful to set out the broad costs you anticipate in your project.

  • Send your proposals to [email protected] or by WhatsApp to +44 7427 844010 by Friday 8th February 2019. If you have any questions please also get in touch with Becky. 

We will be making 3-5 grants of up to 1,000 USD each in this February round of grants. We hope to be able to make a second round of grants available later in the year. 

We look forward to receiving your proposals!

The Avert Team

Background about Avert

Avert empowers people through knowledge. We’re increasing knowledge and understanding of HIV and AIDS, primarily through our information website so people can make informed choices and live healthily. also provides key information, resources and news to professionals working in HIV and sexual health.

Avert, 6/7 Lover’s Walk, Brighton, BN1 6AH, UK
Registered UK charity number: 1074849. Registered UK company number: 3716796